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Re: A final draft of Python Policy (hopefully ;-)

On Sat, Oct 27, 2001 at 10:22:49AM +0200, Gregor Hoffleit wrote:
> I've put a version 0.3.6 of the Python Policy Draft on
> http://people.debian.org/~flight/python/. The version is still a little
> bit rough and sometimes incomplete, but it already gives a good outline
> of the Python packaging system we are installing just now.
> Please have a look at the document, and post all fundamental problems
> you have with the content.
> If nobody find fundamental show-stoppers that render this unusable,
> we're going to submit it to Debian Policy very soon.
>     Gregor

Very nice, its good to clear up any uncertainity about the packaging. I did
have some worries about the version issues. But the solutions described are
pretty comprehensive.
Rob 'robster' Bradford
Chief Editor/Lead developer

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