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WARNING: libexpat1 1.95.2-2.1 breaks dependents


An NMU of libexpat1 1.95.2-2 done this weekend to make it work on
the ia64 platform introduced a severe incompatibility with previous
versions: it renamed libexpat.so.0.1.0 to libexpat.so.1.0.0.  This
of course brings all dependent packages to a dead halt.

Although it did in fact the right thing (the old name was a policy
violation), this should not have happened.  An NMU is intended to
fix things (I hope).  The persino doing a porting NMU should check
for any major differences and if so contact the maintainer before
doing anything even remotely related to uploading.

What I also don't understand is how an NMU to the source with the
upload of an ia64 binary can result in an automatic upload of an
i386 binary.  Is there some build daemon runnin that does these
things?  If so, that should probably be advertised better.  I know
we've several build daemons, but I always thought that was for the
ports to platforms other than i386.

I'll file bugs against all dependents to get them to recompile (if
not done so already).

I apologize for the caused inconveniences.

Ardo van Rangelrooij
home email: ardo@debian.org
home page:  http://people.debian.org/~ardo
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