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RE: Debian Conference 2

On Thu, 2001-10-18 at 12:07, Sean 'Shaleh' Perry wrote:
> There was lots of talk of Toronto -- sounds like a good idea.  Perhaps they
> should contact the people who do OLS (Ottawa) and get tips/suggestions.

I'm currently in the process of contacting Toronto universities. York
has gotten back to me, with the following information:

Begin quote:

Please note that we will only have space available from the 1st to the
10th of August to accommodate your group. All other dates are presently
sold out.

As to costs, what follows are the general rates: (all rates are subject
to 7% GST and 8% PST, with the exception of accommodation which is
subject to 5%PST and 7%GST)

Accommodation:  $39/person/night
Food:           $35/person/day will provide 3 meals per person per day
with one of our caterers
Auditorium:     $700/day for a capacity of 300 max.
Audio Visual:   Overhead projector $20/day/unit, LCD projector
Meeting rooms:  $110/day/room room capacity ranges from 25 to 50
All meeting rooms have Internet capabilities, some charges may apply
depending on serve or hook-up required.
The bedrooms do not have direct access to Internet, although there are
telephone lines that can be activated for a fee of $75/activation for
modem dial-up access.

End quote.

Seems a bit pricey to me. I'm waiting on the University of Toronto (in
addition to Ryerson) as well; this may be a better option, because Chris
Davis, who volunteered to help, has just graduated from U of T, and has
contacts there in both the computer science and computer engineering
faculties. They could arrange some nice perks or other special things
for us.

>  We
> could also attach the Debian conference to OLS.  OLS is a linux 
> hackers show -- no booths just talks.

Good idea, but someone else will have to arrange it. I can't, and I'm
unable to go to Ottawa for it as well.

Joe Drew <hoserhead@woot.net> <drew@debian.org>

Please encrypt email sent to me.

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