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Re: squid cache

On Fri, 12 Oct 2001 07:41, Brian May wrote:
> how do you get squid to *cache* data?
> I tried using the following in my squid configuration:
> refresh_pattern         \.deb$          43200   100%    43200
> override-lastmod ignore-reload refresh_pattern         Release$        720 
>    100%    720 override-lastmod ignore-reload refresh_pattern        
> Packages.gz$    720     100%    720 override-lastmod ignore-reload
> refresh_pattern         Sources.gz$     720     100%    720
> override-lastmod ignore-reload

Here's what I use:
refresh_pattern       Packages.gz         480      20%      1440 
override-lastmod override-expire ignore-reload
refresh_pattern       Sources.gz         4800      40%     14400 
override-lastmod override-expire ignore-reload
refresh_pattern       deb$              43200      50%     86400

The first match applies.

> How do I stop this? Is there anyway I can find out what is going
> wrong? This is no way to reduce my volume charge fees...

If you have two machines on the same ethernet then the easiest thing to do is 
to NFS mount /var/cache/apt/archives.  It means that you only download things 
once, you can keep old versions for downgrading, and you can easily control 
the amount of disk space.

But for squid, one other thing to check is the memory usage and the maximum 
object size.  Max object size must be less than memory usage.  Max object 
size is max cachable size.

Also I find that sometimes if I start a second machine doing "apt-get 
install" before the first machine finishes then Squid does two downloads of 
the same file (instead of just a single download).

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