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Re: apache2: clearing the air [please read]

Previously Daniel Stone wrote:
> This was a conscious decision made; there is currently no support in
> Debian for virtual hosts, and it needs to be supported.

Without any feedback from debian-policy I might add.

> If you scrolled down further, you'd see that apache2 doesn't provide any
> of the webserver packages. (It doesn't conflict with apache, mind, as it
> was designed to, and does, work side-by-side).

Policy doesn't talks about `Web servers'. Are you trying to argue that
apache2 is not a webserver, just because it does not provide a specific
virtual package (which policy does not even mention I might add)?

> Because then you could go http://the.host.name/other.host.name/cgi-bin,
> and see the CGI scripts for that particular host?

No, because the admin isn't braindead and would put him elsewhere.
Personally I put everything in /vhost/<hostname>/<mail,http,etc/> for
example and have the default vhost (which isn't accessibly except
from localhost) point to the standard debian locations (ie /var/www
and /usr/lib/cgi-bin).


 /       Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool     \
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