Re: Proposed solution to the DDTS mail "problem"
On Mon, 8 Oct 2001, Denis Barbier wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 08, 2001 at 11:20:24AM -0500, Branden Robinson wrote:
> [...]
> > Excellent idea. Thanks for proposing a reasonable solution instead of
> > bellyaching about "Anglophone ivory towers"[1].
> >
> > [1]
> >
> If you think so, your French reading is really bad, the statement you refer to
> did only say that it is hard for a developer with poor English to make hear
> his voice.
> Feel free to write to this list if you need explanations on words you do
> not understand, some people will surely love to help you to improve your
> understanding of French language :)))
"Vi. C'est un peu agacant, mais faut pas confondre les idées et la personne.
En fait, je suis assez confiant, Debian ne pourra pas vivre dans sa tour
d'ivoire anglophone. C'est juste une question de temps. Des guerres stupides
comme celle la nous font perdre un temps précieux, mais c'est tout."
[...] but it's necessary to not confuse the ideas and the person. In fact,
I'm very confident that Debian will not be able to [persist in] living in
its anglophone ivory tower. It's just a question of time. [...]
Now, I don't want debian-devel to turn into a rehash of the French and Indian
War, but facts are facts. The implication of the above quote is that Debian
in its present form is living in an "anglophone ivory tower". I imagine I'm
not the only English-speaking developer who read this with some ironic
amusement, just as I believe I'm not the only English-speaking developer who
is able to read it without the `assistance' of babelfish. Nevertheless, if
you believe I've mistranslated Martin's comments, I would welcome improvement
to my understanding of French. :)
Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer
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