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Why doesn't the freetype1 package get to testing?

The following, AFAICT, are self-referential package problems

freetype1 1.4pre.20010424-1 (currently 1.4pre.20010329-2) (optional) (low) 
     Maintainer: Anthony Fok <foka@debian.org> 
     freetype1 uploaded 133 days ago, out of date by 123 days! 
     libttf-dev/alpha: Unsatisfiable Depends: libttf2 (= 1.4pre.20010424-1) 
     libttf-dev/arm: Unsatisfiable Depends: libttf2 (= 1.4pre.20010424-1) 
     freetype1-tools/hppa: Unsatisfiable Depends: libttf2 
     freetype2/hppa: Unsatisfiable Depends: libttf2 
     libttf-dev/hppa: Unsatisfiable Depends: libttf2 (= 1.4pre.20010424-1) 
     libttf-dev/i386: Unsatisfiable Depends: libttf2 (= 1.4pre.20010424-1) 
     freetype1-tools/ia64: Unsatisfiable Depends: libttf2 
     freetype2/ia64: Unsatisfiable Depends: libttf2 
     libttf-dev/ia64: Unsatisfiable Depends: libttf2 (= 1.4pre.20010424-1) 
     libttf-dev/m68k: Unsatisfiable Depends: libttf2 (= 1.4pre.20010424-1) 
     libttf-dev/powerpc: Unsatisfiable Depends: libttf2 (= 1.4pre.20010424-1) 
     libttf-dev/sparc: Unsatisfiable Depends: libttf2 (= 1.4pre.20010424-1) 

Why doesn't this et through?


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