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Security update problem with horde and imp.


When I uploaded the security updates for imp and horde I had not
tested it enough. One reason was that I had not access to a
postgres database and one other that I was in a hurry. People
wanted it very much and I had very little time. The problem is that
there were three major bugs in the new version. One problem that
you could not select servers from a list (only the default one)
was used, the other problem is that the help did not work and
the last one was that postgres access did not work. All of it have
now been fixed but I still get a lot bugreports about it because
people read the security advisory and download the broken packages.

The fixed versions is in proposed updates and I have not got any
new bugs in a week or two, so they should work (better than the
version in stable potato I think because some other things have
been fixed too :) ).

So how can I avoid duplicated bug-reports? I get about one new
bug each day(, that has been fixed). 


// Ola

 --------------------- Ola Lundqvist ---------------------------
/  opal@debian.org                     Björnkärrsgatan 5 A.11   \
|  opal@lysator.liu.se                 584 36 LINKÖPING         |
|  +46 (0)13-17 69 83                  +46 (0)70-332 1551       |
|  http://www.opal.dhs.org             UIN/icq: 4912500         |
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