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Re: Which directory to use for packagename-doc documentation files?

On 24-Jul-01, 10:24 (CDT), Peter S Galbraith <GalbraithP@dfo-mpo.gc.ca> wrote: 
> Here's what I think:
> - When source package `foo' creates binary packages `foo' and
>   `foo-doc', there's no reason not to put foo-doc's documentation
>   files under /usr/share/doc/foo/.  Just say where they are in
>   /usr/share/doc/foo-doc/README.Debian

I mostly agree, but let me play devil's advocate: It should be possible
to install foo-doc w/o foo (I want to read the docs to see if it's
the right package for me.) It might be confusing to have to look in
/usr/share/doc/foo to find the docs that I just installed via package
name foo-doc.

> - If source package `foo-doc' (creating binary-all package foo-doc)
>   documents source package `foo' (which creates simply binary-arch
>   package foo, or alternatively foo-bin + foo-bin2), then it might be
>   best to leave documentation files under /usr/share/doc/foo-doc/.

I really don't like this. The problem I want to solve is that given
related packages foo and foo-doc (whether one source pkg or >1), I
want to *know* where those docs are located[1]. It should be either
/usr/share/doc/foo or /usr/share/doc/foo-doc. I don't really care which.

> This makes it more obvious that foo-doc may document a different
> version of foo than is installed on the system.

That's always true, though, as there is nothing forcing me to keep
foo-doc and foo in sync, no matter what the source package situation.

I think my personal favorite would be that package foo contain the
symlink /usr/share/doc/foo/docs->../../foo-doc. I can see that others
might not like it though. If foo-doc isn't installed, the broken link is
ugly, but it's also a big hint that 'apt-get install foo-doc' might be

As a side note, there's no requirement that a policy proposals be fully
formed before discussion on d-policy; it's quite reasonable to do
some brainstorming there with people who (presumably) care about such
things, and are at least somewhat used to thinking about widespread
ramifications and ways things can break. (Not that such people don't
read d-devel, but it's easier to get lost in the noise.)


[1] Assumming foo-doc includes text/html docs, of course. Info/man pages
go to the appropriate place regardless.

Steve Greenland <stevegr@debian.org>
(Please do not CC me on mail sent to this list; I subscribe to and read
every list I post to.)

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