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Re: Shall we state about #17624 dpkg feature(bug?)

Previously Jérôme Marant wrote:
>   Sorry, but I did not see any clear documentation about why dpkg
>   should behave that way. Please understand that I don't care if
>   you want to close that bug, but would you mind explaining me
>   or/and give me examples of what a different behaviour would lead
>   to. I would appreciate. Thanks.

Two reasons:

* The system administrator can have created that symlink manually in
order to distribute files differently over his filesystems, in which
case we should not change it into a directory silently.

* when you upgrade a package all the new files are
put in place on the filesystem, and when they are all installed dpkg
removes the old versions and renames the new files. You can not do that
properly if it involves changing a symlink into a directory since the
symlink might point to a place that also has other files that do not
belong to the package which would then suddenly disappear.


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