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no dots in kernelpatch-id?

you changed the conventions vor the kernelpatch-id, so there aren't any
dots allowed in it now. Why did you do so? This isn't very good,
because there's no chance to name a patch foo-kernelversion and this makes
it imposible to have different patches installed the same time.
(okay you could do foo-2-2-19 but isn't very nice, is it?

so long...

  __          _              | David "netzwurm" Spreen      Kiel, Germany
 / _|___  ___| |__  __ _ _ _ | http://www.netzwurm.cc/      david@spreen.de
|  _/ _ \/ _ \ '_ \/ _` | '_|| gnupg key (on keyservers):   C8B6823A
|_| \___/\___/_.__/\__,_|_|  | CellPhone:                   +49 173 3874061

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