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ioctl(upsfd, TIOCMSET, status) or ioctl(upsfd, TIOCMSET, &status)

The question is about having the address of operator (&) in:

    ioctl(upsfd, TIOCMSET, status)

I am trying to decide whether or not the status variable in the above line 
must have the address of operator (&).

I have an app that seems to work without it + it appears without the address 
of operator in page 27 (PDF version) of the `Serial Programming Guide for 
Posix Operating Systems'. This later doc is free and can be found on the net. 
It is suggested by the Serial Programming HOWTO. On the other hand, a search 
on google for TIOCMSET shows that there are people who use the address of 
operator in similar situations.

In fact, how come it gets compiled and seems to work without it although 
others do use it? And where is the use of TIOCMSET being documented?
	Shaul Karl <shaulka@bezeqint.net>

Hillel used to say: If I am not for myself who will be for me?
Yet, if I am for myself only, what am I? And if not now, when?
                                          (Ethics Of The Fathers 1:14)

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