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Re: Packaging WM themes - question

On 05/25/2001 08:07:46 AM Casper Gielen wrote:

>> The only disadvantage I can think of is that when a new section is added
>> apt/dselect won't know about it until it's added to sources.list . I've
>> made up two solutions to this but they are a bit ugly. I'll take KDE
>> for an example and show which steps need to be made to install KDE when
>> a KDE section is added.:
>> solution 1: Every time a new section is added the sources.list
>> managment tool needs to be updated.
>> To add KDE:
>> -apt-get update
>> -upgrade sources.list tool
>> -use the tool/dselect->access to add a line for KDE to sources.list
>> -apt-get update
>> -use dselect/apt-get install to install KDE packages
>> pro: -everything can be done with existing software
>> con: -many users won't even realize KDE exists until they figure out how
>> to add entry to sources.list as it doesn't show up in dselect->select
>> solution 2: use packages to add lines to sources.list
>> To add KDE:
>> -apt-get update
>> -use dselect to install task-kde upon installation task-kde will add a
>> line to sources.list pointing to the KDE archives
>> -apt-get update
>> -install KDE packages
>> pro: -the user doens't need to know about /etc/apt/sources.list, when a
>> new section is added it shows up with other new packages and the user
>> can decide wether or not he likes to use this section.
>> con: -when taks-kde is installed KDE isn't until apt-get update/upgrade
>> is run a second time

solution 3:

Make /etc/apt/sources.list a generated, "non-user editable" file.
Ship /etc/apt/sources/core as part of basefiles, or maybe even part of
Ship /etc/apt/sources/kde as part of kdebase (please not tasks-kde)
Ship /etc/apt/sources/emacs as part of emacsen-common (OK an exaggeration
but whatever)
Encourage users to enter their own user editable apt repositories in
Encourage "cluster managers" to automatically ship a
/etc/apt/sources/cluster to all machines they control, etc.
Then either :
3A) change apt so that every time apt-get update is run, it begins with
"cat /etc/apt/sources/* > /etc/apt/sources.list"...
3B) make a cron job or something to do the above "cat" daily, requiring no
changes to apt...
3C) make users execute a command "updatesources"

I prefer option 3A.
This also allows cool add on utilities, like an adaptive system to find the
closest "debian core" mirror, fancy GUIs to manage the sources list, etc.

I wish priorities could be specified in sources.list, like you can in DNS
MX records.  I'd like a priority 10 local mirror that I control, a priority
50 mirror in another state that I don't control and a priority 100
debian.org entry.

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