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New Package snmptrapfmt / Orphaned Package snmptraplogd


I have orphaned snmptraplogd.
I have uploaded the new package snmptrapfmt.
The reasons can be read in the README.debian file of snmptrapfmt.
I have also attached the description of the control file of snmptrapfmt.

I hope everything is OK !?

Bernd Schumacher

=========== README.debian file of snmptrapfmt ============

snmptrapfmt for DEBIAN
snmptrapfmt is an upgrade path to the obsolete debian package snmptraplogd.
Snmptraplogd was developed in earlier days as the debian snmpd package did
not provide (or at least did not start) a snmptrapd. Therefore snmptraplogd
had all the code to receive traps itself and to format it. Now the debian
snmpd package has its own snmptrapd and only the formatting has to be done.
Snmptrapfmt offers the formatting functionality as snmptraplogd did but does
no longer conflict with package snmpd. Instead it depends on snmpd now.
To achieve this snmpd is configured to call snmptrapfmthdlr. This small
program is called for each trap by default. You could configure it to be
called only for selected traps.
The trap data is then forwarded to a local pipe from which snmptrapfmt
picks it up and does further processing.
Bernd Schumacher <bernd_schumacher@hp.com>  Fri,  4 May 2001 21:09:39 +0200

=========== Description of control file of snmptrapfmt ============
Package: snmptrapfmt
Description: A configurable snmp trap handler daemon for snmpd.
 This package contains a configurable snmp trap handler daemon for snmpd.
 The output of this trap handler daemon may be specified via a configuration
 file and written to a logfile or to the syslog daemon. During installation
 of this package, the configuration file for the snmptrapd daemon is changed
 (old version is saved) to activate the trap handler. The snmpd and snmptrapd
 daemons are restarted.

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