Re: Two debconf issues
> On Thu, May 03, 2001 at 05:00:29PM -0400, Joey Hess wrote:
> > Wolfgang Sourdeau wrote:
> > > > It might happen if there was a good reason, but nobody has suggested one yet.
> > > > I doubt there is one.
> > >
> > > I have one. It's that dependency on perl makes owners of 486 machines die
> > > of an heart-attack whenever an installation task has to occur...
> >
> > Bollocks. Profile running perl sometime. Then profile running dpkg.
> Let me second this. Perl is very, very fast.
> Perl is faster than most people's hand-crafted C code for certain
> tasks (mainly pattern matching type tasks, also its associative array
> implementation is pretty nippy).
> On my 68020 machine, using a short perl script was an order of
> magnitude faster than sed or awk, even for exactly the kind of pattern
> matching tasks that sed and awk are designed for.
> Perl ain't your problem, it really ain't.
> Jules
Can you compare Perl speed to Python?
Just curious, have no prior knowledge on this.
Shaul Karl <>
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