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Re: LDAP authentication with PAM

Previously Brian May wrote:
> However what about:
> pam_env, pam_limits, pam_securetty, pam_lastlog, pam_motd, pam_issue, pam_mail?

Those only make sense for interactive sessions so they aren't listed
in most files.

> Also, anyone know why I have a pppd and a ppp file?

Bug in pppd, one of them is probably a left-over configuration file
that the package forgot to remove.

> I can't even find any information on pam_pwdb. It doesn't seem to
> be used in any case.

pam_pwdb is obsolete, forget about it :)

> Do others keep /etc/shadow around for this reason too, or do you assume LDAP
> will be running all the time in order to simplify this stuff?

No, it would suck a bit if you boot into maintenance or single-user mode
and you couldn't login. Having /etc/shadow around is definitely useful.

> Oh, if no password service is found inside /etc/pam.d/login (for
> instance) will it look in /etc/pam.d/other? I think it does.

Not sure if it does actually.

> Actually I was pushing ctrl^C trying to abort... Can't it make up its
> mind if its updating UNIX or LDAP? (this only happens when done as
> root with a /etc/ldap.secret file).

That's not a bug, it's a feature. You have to tell the pam_ldap module
to first try the password that the pam_unix module collected. Again,
this is nicely documented in the PAM documentation :)

The correct snippet would be:

auth	sufficient	pam_unix.so
auth	required	pam_ldap.so try_first_pass

account	sufficient	pam_unix.so
account	required	pam_ldap.so

password sufficient	pam_unix.so
password required	pam_ldap.so use_authtok


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