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testing installation bot just plain doesn't like XFree86

So, I keep getting bugs filed against the versions of XFree86 in testing...

xfree86v3 3.3.6-38 (currently 3.3.6-32) (optional) (high)
Maintainer: Branden Robinson <branden@debian.org>
xfree86v3 uploaded 15 days ago, out of date by 13 days!
valid candidate (will be installed unless it's dependent upon other buggy pkgs)

What makes a valid candidate get ignored for 13 days despite being a valid

xfree86 4.0.2-13 (currently 4.0.2-7) (optional) (medium)
Maintainer: Branden Robinson <branden@debian.org>
xfree86 uploaded 9 days ago, out of date by 4 days!
out of date on powerpc: xlibosmesa-dev, xlibosmesa3 (from 4.0.1-10) (but powerpc isn't keeping up, so ignoring this problem)
there are up to date bins in powerpc also
valid candidate (will be installed unless it's dependent upon other buggy pkgs)

Well, I completely don't understand this one.  powerpc is simultaneously out of
date and up to date?

G. Branden Robinson             |     If a man ate a pound of pasta and a
Debian GNU/Linux                |     pound of antipasto, would they cancel
branden@debian.org              |     out, leaving him still hungry?
http://www.debian.org/~branden/ |     -- Scott Adams

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