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Re: Planning to split doc-rfc

cjw44@flatline.org.uk (Colin Watson)  wrote on 27.02.01 in <E14Xk0t-00024P-00@riva.ucam.org>:

> Ages ago I meant to propose a policy amendment that reserved all-caps
> directories in /usr/share/doc for major documentation packages like the
> RFCs and the HOWTOs, to get away from the (IMHO) ugly
> /usr/share/doc/doc-rfc directory for this sort of thing. The package
> name in itself doesn't bother me so much.

As this has been discussed before, I'm going to just go and put the RFCs  
somewhere below /usr/share/doc/RFC.

RFC statitics:
      4	- (old std)
     27	- (old draft std)
     37	fyi
     39	- (old exp)
     44	- (old hist)
     47	bcp
     65	draft std
     69	hist
     69	never
     71	std
    146	- (old prop std)
    148	exp
    596	prop std
    797	- (old inf)
    931	- (old unclass)
NOTE: quite a number of old RFCs are not currently online, and therefore  
will not be in any collection even if they would belong. The first RFCs  
were actually done on paper and sent out via a postal mail mailing list!

The current stuff will go into

        doc-rfc-fyi-bcp         (both FYIs and BCPs, still only 84)
        doc-rfc-std             (includes draft, 136)

except that historic and some selected RFCs (for example, those  
specifically requested but not under current stuff) will go into


This will also get those RFC drafts that are in the RFC editor's queue  
(that is, will be published soon).

Old standards track RFCs (std, draft, prop) will go into

        doc-rfc-old-std         (makes 177)

It does not seem useful to differentiate among the rest, so it will go  


or similar packets (whatever size seems to make the most sense).

All packages will depend on doc-rfc-std, which will have indices and  
stuff. And an empty compat package


will probably depend on


- this seems the closest match to what the old doc-rfc did. (And oh boy,  
were the old lists buggy! 20 mis-sorted RFCs found by a diff.)

That's 6 selected packets plus "the rest" (maybe four more, at prio  
extra). If people think this is far too much, shout NOW.

Also, this means that _all_ RFCs are available; the old package had about  

MfG Kai

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