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Re: /proc/net/snmp

On Thu, Mar 22, 2001 at 07:00:28PM -0300, Aldri Luiz dos Santos wrote:
> I have a question. Who is responsible for updating tcp information into
> /proc/net/snmp file.?

I'm not sure I understand you.  

Q: ``Who manages the /proc/net/snmp file, as 'dpkg -S /proc/net/snmp' doesn't 
show it?''  
A: It's handled by the kernel.

Q: ``Who is responsible for documenting it?  (The man page is out of date.)''
A: Use the aforementioned 'dpkg' command on the path to the man page.

						- chad

Chad Miller <cmiller@surfsouth.com>  | If you keep your mind sufficiently 
unix bruhjo, shutterbug, bookworm    | open, people will throw a lot of 
URL: http://web.chad.org/home/       | rubbish into it.  --William Orton

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