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I don't know of any developers (or even developers-to-be) in the El Paso,
TX/Las Cruces, NM vicinity, but I will be there from tomorrow morning till
Wednesday night and I'm open for a keysigning, drink with another developer,
or whatever. I'll be reading email, so if you're interested, just reply

Mike Markley <mike@markley.org>
GPG: 0x3B047084 7FC7 0DC0 EF31 DF83 7313  FE2B 77A8 F36A 3B04 7084

The only solution is ... a balance of power.  We arm our side with exactly
that much more.  A balance of power -- the trickiest, most difficult,
dirtiest game of them all.  But the only one that preserves both sides.
- Kirk, "A Private Little War", stardate 4211.8

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