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Re: Digital Rights Management

Hi Ean

Ean R . Schuessler schrieb:
> It seems to me that our community must create its own digital rights
> management system that is an integral part of the GNU operating 
> system.

The weapons industries are not forced to integrate any
facilities into theyer products that would stop people from
murdering others "illegally".

(Wow, the longer I think about this (it was a spontaneous
reaction), the more I like it.)

"You can't solve a social problem with a technical solution."
		-- thanks to Neil Franklin, I first read this
		from him.

I agree that artists need to be able to live from what they do,
but I strongly oppose to helping them by artificially keeping
the concept of "expensive copies" alive. Copying is a basic and
inexpensive operation of binary logic, and gives music, books,
pictures, films -- everything you can digitalize -- completely
different properties than they had in the analogous ages.

Modern infomation technologies do not only force artists (or
should I say record labels and movie industries?) to change
theyer way of earning money, they also provide new possibilites
of simple, fast and cheap distribution, multimedia experience
and interactivity.

(oops, sorry, this was supposed to be a really short answer ...)

ciao, 2ri
The light at the end of the tunnel is the headlight of an approaching

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