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Re: dpkg-scanlibs

On Mon, Feb 26, 2001 at 08:17:36AM -0800, Evan Prodromou wrote:
> >>>>> "WA" == Wichert Akkerman <wichert@cistron.nl> writes:
> So... the criticism that developers would need both language
> interpreters still applies. Unless, of course, there's a way to use
> dpkg-dev without having dpkg around.
> You're the developer, of course, but I'd asking you to rethink. It
> doesn't have anything to do with disliking Python -- which I do -- but
> as a practical matter it seems kind of extraneous, for other
> developers and you yourself.

Nah, I can't accept that argument.  Wichert should use his judgement
as dpkg upstream to use which language /he/ thinks is best.

The technical issue, and it's a very important one, is whether
upgrades of certain packages breaking (e.g. perl) can break the base
system (e.g. update-alternatives).

As long as Wichert doesn't introduce any
broken-python-leaves-dpkg-broken type problems, I'm happy with any
language. (It's not as if python is particularly large).


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