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Re: m68k buildd presents significant problem for non-us and testing

>>>>> "Anthony" == Anthony Towns <aj@azure.humbug.org.au> writes:

    Anthony> If some architectures are too slow, then we probably
    Anthony> should just get some more hardware for them.

True.  However, if we can't find volunteers to get the hardware or to
run the additional build machines, or if it's taking a significant
time to set that up, we should let those architectures lag in testing.
I believe that m68k is getting to that point for non-us.

I have tried to contact Roman, and after not receiving a response for
a week sent mail to debian-68k.  I waited for a few days and still
receiving no response started this thread on debian-devel.  If we
don't hear anything by mid next week, I suggest that allowing m68k to
lag in non-us testing would be prudent.

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