Wishlistitem: Place to look up Softwareproject <-> Debs packages that contain it
Being a debian user for some time, I am missing one place. I want to
have a search on Softwareproject and it gives me the possible Debs, if
there are any. (official ones)
(you may say:) But that already exists somewhat, but there is no place
where to post the apt-get resources, where I can find a special package.
EG, it was hard for me to locate pine, because it is not on the ftp
server. On chance somebody posted what line I have to add to my
source.list. It would be nice to have a databank that contains all that
The query would look like this: package name (like a tar.gz name or
title of an opensourceproject)
and giving back:
Either: a) lame (official package) (... info ... to it)
lame (devel-packages) -> link to more information
This wouls make it easy to locate daily snapshots.
b) lame (unofficial package) (warning ... info on it)
c) lame - sorry not available right now (please make a source
The information for that has to be provided by the packager at some
time. (but there could be some innovative way to update information)
One more thing: it has to reveal information, where to post a bug to, or
even better provide a bug form, where i can mak a official bug report.
(you may say):Right now, there is that for every debian package.
my opinion: yupp - but some of the bug-reports should be sent upstream
and have nothing to do with debian way of packaging. I remember reading
in the Debian-KDE-newsgroup, that you should not post kde related (not
related to kde packaging) to kde.org (to many people did that obviously)
I guess that could be also a wishlist bug against the bug tracking
system, that it should contain a link to the upstream bugreport site.
One of my dreams revaled to the public
Ciao, Matthias
PS.: I am interested, what you think about that idea :-)
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/\_/\ \ \_/ \_/ / * Matthias Wieser *
/ \ \ / * ICQ#: 12597522 *
/ /\_/\ \ \_/^\_/ * hiasl@aon.at *
WW WW *********************
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