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Re: new section in Debian menu system for file managers

#include <hallo.h>
Josip Rodin wrote on Fri Nov 03, 2000 um 02:05:36PM:

> I don't understand this obnoxious CC:. Maintainers of all packages that look
> like they would need this section, I guess... the subject needs to be
> changed, too.

Correct, thx.

> > What about a simple `Apps/Filemanager'? IMHO it would be a good place
> > and there are enough filemanagers to fill this section.
> The name's too long. Yes, it's an esthetic complaint, but we're talking
> about a graphical user interface here.

IMHO it's not too long, just one letter longer then "Programming". What
alternatives do we have? "Filebrowser"? Of simply "Filesystem"?

Eduard Bloch <eb@zombie.inka.de>; HP: http://eduard.bloch.com/edecosi
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