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Re: ITP: openafs

Mark Eichin filed an ITP on August 17i for IBM/Transarc AFS (included

I contacted him and we have been working together on this for a while
preparing for the sources to become available.  Since they are now
available, we are actively working with the released code.  When I
last talked to Mark, he certainly still intended to upload the
packages once released.

There are a lot of tricky issues with packaging AFS especially with
regard to the server and to Kerberos5/Heimdal interoperability.  We'd
certainly be interested in any thoughts you might have on these issues
and on any other help you might have to offer with  the effort.

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From: "Mark W. Eichin" <eichin@thok.org>
To: Debian Bug Tracking System <submit@bugs.debian.org>
Cc: debian-devel@lists.debian.org
Cc: hartmans@mit.edu
Subject: ITP: transarc/IBM AFS
Message-Id: <20000817232147.5E9103B81D@kuroneko.mit.edu>
Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2000 19:21:47 -0400 (EDT)
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Lines: 24
Xref: sweet-transvestite.mit.edu mail.personal:512

package: wnpp
severity: normal

IBM announced at LinuxWorld the "Open AFS" release of AFS under the
IPL; relevant URLs include


AFS is the "Andrew File System", as originally done at CMU and spun
off to Transarc which is mostly owned by IBM.  It has critical
features like volume migration, cryptographic security, access control
lists, and an online backup/cloning system that makes consistent
backups possible.  (It is the filesystem of choice at large
educational institutions.)  If you're familiar with CODA, this is the
commercialized predecessor; if you're familiar with Arla, this is the
thing with which it is compatible.

The source itself is supposed to be released in September 2000, that
is of course critical for this ITP.  

			_Mark_ <eichin@thok.org>
			The Herd of Kittens
			Debian Package Maintainer

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