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ITP: OpenVRML -- OpenVRML is a project to create an open source cross-platform runtime for VRML

Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist

Open Source is all about the free access of source code to all the world. VRML is all about the freedom to write compelling 3D content that can be played by anyone. It is therefore natural that there should be an Open VRML source base. This is one such repository. There may (and hopefully will) be others, but it is at the core of this group that our source base should be as free as possible. This freedom does not simply refer to the ability for anyone to look at, modify and use the source, but to the freedom of everyone to "think outside the VRML box". We believe the dream of cyberspace, which is what brought us all to VRML in the first place, can be realized this way.

It can be found at http://www.openvrml.org or

Maurizio Boriani
General Services (InterNetWorking Staff)
20138 Milano - Via Mecenate 76/3 - Italy
Tel. 02/509081 - Fax 02/50908080 - E-mail maurizio.boriani@gsol.it
PGP key: 0xCC0FBF8F
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