Proposal for a new package relationship option
After discussing a strange proposal, I would like to give another
What about some kind of comparison between some values from the running
system in the current relationship fields? I mean something like:
Recomends: (?LANG=ru) maint-guide-ru, (?LANG=/.*de.*/) maint-guide-de
Depends: (?ISDN_PPP_RUNNING) ipppd
This variables don't have to be values of some environment variables,
they may be also some entries from a central database, e.g. from a
systemwide localisation database (which I will work on sooner or later).
Eduard Bloch <>; HP:
0xEDF008C5(GnuPG): E6EB 98E2 B885 8FF0 6C04 5C1D E106 481E EDF0 08C5
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