Re: I'm not quitting that easy. (Was: Re: I would like to vote also.)
>>>>> "Thomas" == Thomas Bushnell, BSG <> writes:
Thomas> (Karl M. Hegbloom) writes:
>> But that key can tie me to that photo I uploaded. Unless I'm proxy
>> for several people and let one of them sign my ID and upload it for
>> me, my having the private half of that key ties me in some way (How
>> securely?) to that signed scan. Someday when/if we meet, you can
>> verify that I'm probably the man in the photo, and that I indeed have
>> the private half of that key. (barring catastrophy)
Thomas> Um, no it doesn't.
Thomas> Whoever signed the photo has the private half of that key. But how do
Thomas> we know that Karl signed the photo?
Because someday when we are in the same place at the same time I
prove it by producing that key's fingerprint.
mailto: Karl M. Hegbloom <>
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