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Re: object-oriented C programming

  it only covers part of OO, how would you do inheritance, polymorphism

  what you describe below is basically an object, but it does not allow
you to do much of OO programming because you're missing much of the rest
of the infrastructure (evironment) for objects.

  for example, objects take care of themselves, so they need to be sort
of self-aware, they need to know it's type, which is possible in (all?)
OO languages, but you cannot achieve it using mechanizm described below,
because type is not carried in object variable but the type is also
neccessary in the name of the function that you call with object
variable as a parameter.

  etc... there's more to it...

  I did similar stuff with non-anonymous structures (which, of course,
does not enforce data encapsulation) and found it rather limiting, but
useful in C, since I was not able to use C++ in that particular project.


Philip Brown wrote:
> [ Jonathan Walther writes ]
> -- Start of PGP signed section.
> > Can you give an example of this typedef struct foo * thingum?
> > I noticed nothing like it in my K&R book, and I'm not patient
> > enough to read through the ANSI standard.  I'm sure a lot of
> > us developers would love to have this trick under our belts and
> > improve our coding.
> >
> > Show us a definition, declaration, and usage.
> okie dokie.
> Note that you CANNOT DO THIS IN K&R. So you wouldn't have seen it there.
> Plus, K&R exists to teach you the syntax of the language. NOT how to do
> interesting things with it :-)
> You have to have a fully ANSI-C compliant compiler, to allow
> anonymous struct* typedefs, I believe.
> I have to preface by saying that this does not LOOK like object-oriented
> programming, for those people coming from a java or C++ background.
> But if you think about it, it is.
> Usage:
> ---blah.c----
> #include "FooOBJ.h"
> void diddle(){
>         FooOBJ fobj;
>         fobj=newFooOBJ();
>         setFooNumber(fobj, 1);
>         setFooString(fobj, "somestring");
>         dumpFooState(fobj);
>         deleteFooOBJ(fobj);
> }
> int main(){
>         diddle();
>         return 0;
> }
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> So there you have it. Complete object opacity.
> You have opaque objects, and functions specifically to manupulate those
> objects.
> BTW: the caller  will not be able to accidentally pass in a non
> FooOBJ, because of the typedef.
> This is even BETTER object opacity than a "normal" C++ class.
>  Why? Because callers have
> **NO IDEA** what the private members really are, or how they are
> implemented.
> TO avoid putting private stuff in the .h file in C++, you'd have to first
> write your "real" class, and then write a wrapper class for it, and only
> give read access to the wrapper class.
> FooOBJ.h consists of the following very simple definitions:
> ---FooOBJ.h--------------------------------------------------
> typedef struct fooobj * FooOBJ;
> FooOBJ newFooOBJ();
> void setFooNumber(FooOBJ,int);
> void setFooString(FooOBJ,char *);
> void dumpFooState(FooOBJ); /* dumps debug contents of FooOBJ to stdout */
> void deleteFooOBJ(FooOBJ);
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> You simply cannot get better data hiding than that.
> And just to spell things out and give you something to play with, here's
> a sample implementation of FooOBJ.o
> Note that there are quite a few different possibilities for it, and it
> doesnt matter to the "blah.c" code above.
> Which is what object oriented programming is all about!
> ---FooOBJ.c--------------------------------------------------
> #include <stdio.h>
> #include "FooOBJ.h"
> struct fooobj {
>         int privateint;
>         char *privateString;
>         /* Depending on your preferences, you
>          * may prefer privateString to be a buffer,
>          * OR malloc it and free on delete.
>          */
> };
> FooOBJ newFooOBJ(){
>         FooOBJ foo=(FooOBJ)malloc(sizeof(struct fooobj));
>         return foo;
> }
> void setFooNumber(FooOBJ foo,int num){
>         if(foo==NULL) return;  /* you may chose to debugprint something
>                                 *instead
>                                 */
>         foo->privateint=num;
> }
> void setFooString(FooOBJ foo,char *string){
>         /* If you malloced the string, you'll want to free() it here!!*/
>         if(foo==NULL) return;
>         foo->privateString=string;
> }
> void dumpFooState(FooOBJ foo){
>         if(foo==NULL) return;
>         printf("value of private int==%d\n", foo->privateint);
>         printf("value of private string==%s\n", foo->privateString);
> }
> void deleteFooOBJ(FooOBJ foo){
>         /* dont forget to free privateString if you malloced it here!!*/
>         free(foo);
> }
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> Well... how many people have just had their minds blown?
> :-)
> --
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