Re: Our Most Precious Resource: Programmer Time (was Re: long term goals)
>>"Gustavo" == Gustavo Noronha Silva (KoV) <> writes:
Gustavo> I think C programs would make the debian package management
Gustavo> system a lot better and faster ( I could not install packages in
Gustavo> my 486 without having a headache =( )
Speed is less important than correctness. And installing
packages is not normally a frequent event (and for those for whom it
is a frequent event there are only a few packages upgraded at one
time ;-).
Gustavo> I disagree with using perl and other languages to "speed up" coding
Gustavo> because I think (and I like Debian 'coz I've seen this on it)
Gustavo> quality is much more important than quantity...
The language used to code things has little to do with the
quality of the product.
Gustavo> I would like to see dpkg installing debs with all the process being
Gustavo> controled by C programs (look, installing packages in my K6 II makes
Gustavo> it very slow!!)
I have a Cyrix 133Mhz box, if that matters. And I suspect that
the speed increases in maintianer scripts would be imperceptible,
really, and not worth the potential of increased, harder to fix
However, compiled code for maintinainer scripts makes it
impossible to use vi to fix typos/errors in them; that has saved me a
number of times. I can use ae in single user mode in case of
particularily nasty disasters.
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Manoj Srivastava <> <>
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