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prerelease aptitude packages now available!

  Ok, I've finally forced myself to stop hacking and actually release it.  I
still haven't gotten download support working and won't in the near future,
passing my finals is important to me :)

  I finally settled on creating a package "aptitude-beta" which Conflicts
and Replaces aptitude (unfortunately, it can't currently coexist with it)
There is one known bug that you should be aware of: purging this package
will REMOVE your sticky aptitude selections!  The solution until I think harder
about it is: Don't Do That Then!

  You might ask: why create a separate package?  Mainly because the new
magic apt isn't released yet (thank God, actually; one rewrite at a time
is more than enough for me.. :P ), and this lets you easily go back to a working
version with "apt-get install aptitude".

  You can download the packages using the following apt lines:
deb http://people.debian.org/~dburrows/aptitude-beta ./
deb-src http://people.debian.org/~dburrows/aptitude-beta ./

  I don't think reporting bugs against aptitude-beta in the BTS is a good
idea..please just send them to me or to aptitude-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
(I think I'm the only person subscribed to that, go figure..)

  Again, please bear in mind that these are even more prerelease than all
the other aptitude packages floating around..there's a lot of stuff left to do
to get it working nicely like the old version.  There are a number of things
(eg, the annoying welcome message) which will have to be rethought.  In other
words, don't view this as representative of anything but a general idea of
where I'm going.

   Have fun,
/----------------- Daniel Burrows <Daniel_Burrows@brown.edu> -----------------\
|                    Apostrophes are not a warning that a                     |
|                    word is about to end in an "s".                          |
\----------------- The Turtle Moves! -- http://www.lspace.org ----------------/

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