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Re: Woody Progress

On Sun, Dec 03, 2000 at 03:52:59PM -0600, Chewie wrote:
> Now, as I understand it, there's a couple on-going projects right now
> that cover new installation software and procedures.  There's another
> project that is covering a new distribution system, I believe it is
> referred to as a "pool".  I don't know much about either of these, so
> you'll have to browse the -devel archives to find out the details.
> Sorry.
> For example, let's say I want to install a base Debian server for the
> purpose of hosting a PostgreSQL database.  I want the most recent
> stable package of the most recent stable version of PostgreSQL.  I
> also require the most recent stable packages of the supporting stable
> software, however, I know that xinetd has some major bug fixes in it's
> "unstable" release.  I'll accept a stable package for the unstable
> version of xinetd.
> I could enter these package requirements in a package list-maker.  I
> could then choose to install or interactively approve, disapprove,
> upgrade or downgrade individual packages until I have a list that I'm
> happy with.  Throw the list into dpkg --set-selections, fire off
> apt-get dselect-upgrade and enjoy a cup of coffee as my system gets
> built.

Ok, I am _not_ a Debian Developer, and I could easily have misinterpreted
what I have read, but: 
I believe that package pools _could_ make it possible to choose, on a
per-package basis, which packages come from stable, and which from unstable,
or at least to more easily incorporate packages from the unstable distro,
which have become `stable' into the stable distro. Despite my belief that
faster releases are necessary, I also believe that package pools are a truly
revolutionary development, and it would be nice to have them in place for the
next release. 
I apologize if I'm wrong about any of this.
> Disclaimer: I haven't been keeping up with -devel threads lately, so
> if I'm rehashing someone elses ideas, I apologize for the redundancy.
> -- 
> Chad "^chewie, gunnarr" Walstrom <chewie@wookimus.net>
>              http://www.wookimus.net/

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