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daily wine builds as an apt source

The service Zygo Blaxell <zblaxell@furryterror.org> provided for the last year
or so will be discontinued because people do not want him to use recources on
windows promotion. (I have never seen wine as if it would promote windows, but

In the future packages should be available daily from 

deb     http://gluck.debian.org/~andreas/debian wine main        
deb-src http://gluck.debian.org/~andreas/debian wine main     

These are not official debian packages and are not distributed with unstable
since they are not intended to be frozen with woody and bugreports about the
wine-content are not going to be processed. These are basicly compiles of the
CVS tree, so your bugreports concerning wine should go to the wine developers
list. However I would like to hear about packaging problems and ways to
correct them or other ways to improve this service. 

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