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Re: Signing gpg key

On Mon, Oct 23, 2000 at 06:09:35PM -0400, Bob Hilliard wrote:
>      I am trying to sign my GPG key with my PGP key in accordance
> with /usr/share/doc/debian-keyring/README.gz, as follows:
> bob:vc-/2:bob>gpg --secret-keyring ~/.pgp/secring.pgp --keyring ~/.pgp/pubring.pgp --default-key hilliard@debian.org  --sign-key 390D6559           
> gpg: 390D6559: user not found
>      It appears to me that the command given in the README tries to
> sign the key in the pgp keyring, so some other option must be given to
> make it sign in the gpg keyring.  
>      What am I missing?

try this:

gpg --secret-keyring .gnupg/secring.gpg --secret-keyring ~/.pgp/secring.pgp --keyring ~/.pgp/pubring.pgp --default-key hilliard@debian.org  --sign-key 390D6559 

That is, tell gpg about both secret keyrings. I think I had to do

> hilliard@auric:/org/keyring.debian.org/keyrings$ gpg --keyring ./debian-keyring.gpg --list-keys 390D6559 
> gpg: keyblock resource `/home/hilliard/.gnupg': file open error
> gpg: error reading key: public key not found
>      How can I check my GPG on the key rings on auric?  I can locate
> my PGP key on auric using pgp -kvc.

try to create a temporary gpg pair of keys:

mkdir .gnupg
gpg --gen-key

And then try again to read the keyring.

--- Enrique Robledo Arnuncio <erobledo@ieee.org>
                             <era@ieeesb.etsit.upm.es> ---

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