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Re: All services that require a restart from libc6 upgrade...

On Tue, 17 Oct 2000 at 12:54, Chris Waters wrote about "Re: All services...":

> > IMHO libc should handle its various incompatibilies itself, because
> > its a problem in libc, not in the daemon packages.
> I almost agree with you, but I think that trying to get libc to track
> all the packages that use it is bad software engineering.  Throwing
> the responsibility back on the packages, even though it's "not their
> fault", does make maintenance much simpler.

Alternatively, we can always say that since it's a libc problem then it'll
just fix itself. If the other packages that depend on libc want to
continue to work, then they better comply.

Of course, if they don't want to they don't have to. ;-) But then they'll
just stop working...

Brock Rozen                                              brozen@torah.org

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