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Re: Uploaded grub 0.5.96 (source i386) to master

>>"Thomas" == Thomas Bushnell, BSG <tb@becket.net> writes:

 Thomas> So I'm a happy grub user, but I'd like it if it interacted
 Thomas> nicely with kernel-image packages and make-kpkg packages the
 Thomas> way that LILO does.

	Umm. Why doesn't setting do_bootloader = NO in /etc/kernel-img.conf
 satisfy your needs? Perhaps with an image_dest = /boot, with perhaps
 relative_links = YES if you have a separate boot partition.

        If there is anything else kernel-package can do, I'd be happy
 to accommodate.

 He that loses hope may part with anything.  -- Congreve
Manoj Srivastava   <srivasta@debian.org>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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