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Re: gettextized console-apt

On Sun, Sep 24, 2000 at 02:24:47PM +1100, Patrick Cole wrote:
> The debian machine that runs the CVS server died the other day, so I have added you an account and
> moved the server over to another box:
> CVSROOT=":pserver:kiwamu@cvs.linearg.com:/cvs/deity"
> cvs login   (Your password is: 7MDa871k)
> cvs checkout capt

This is a bad thing. It's your machine, but I would recommend deleting
the account, and emailing him again with a new password. 

David Starner - dstarner98@aasaa.ofe.org
http/ftp: dvdeug.dhis.org
And crawling, on the planet's face, some insects called the human race.
Lost in space, lost in time, and meaning.
	-- RHPS

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