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Intent to package "gphone"

I have created a debian package of "gphone" - a X/gtk internet phone.  It is
distributed under the GNU license.  It is at this point a very basic program
with not many features, but it is hoped that its inclusion in the debian
distribution will bring more attention to the program, and hopefully
encourage developers to help.

Also, since debian doesnt have any similar application packaged (that I
could find), I thought this would be useful.

It is located at http://gphone.sourceforge.net/

What follows below is a letter from the author:

Delivered-To: nveber@pyre.virge.net
To: nveber@debian.org
Subject: Re: gphone
From: Roland Dreier <roland@valinux.com>
Date: 05 Sep 2000 10:18:51 -0700
In-Reply-To: nveber@debian.org's message of "Tue, 5 Sep 2000 00:49:14 -0400"
X-Mailer: Gnus v5.6.45/XEmacs 21.1 - "Arches"

>>>>> "nveber" == nveber  <nveber@debian.org> writes:

    nveber> I tried using your gphone application.  It does what its
    nveber> intended to do, but is lacking in some useful features
    nveber> (ie. codecs, the ability to be notified of an incoming
    nveber> call and chose weather or not to answer it, maybe an
    nveber> icq-like contact list, encryption, esd support - or at
    nveber> least an option for it not to tie up the sound device the
    nveber> whole time its running, etc).  Are you still interested in
    nveber> activelly developing it?  If so, I would be willing to
    nveber> package it into the debian linux distribution, that way it
    nveber> would get more exposure, and hopefully more people working
    nveber> on the project.  Also, I'm not sure if you are aware of
    nveber> most of the features mentioned above --
    nveber> http://efone.elysium.pl/.  However, I think most people
    nveber> would preffer to use a gui for something like this,
    nveber> perhaps some of the efone source could be of use?  There
    nveber> definitely isnt a full featured internet phone application
    nveber> out there (that I'm aware of), so gphone has great
    nveber> potential for success.                            

I am still (semi-)actively developing gphone, though other obligations
have prevented me from putting much time into it lately.  I would love
to see it become part of Debian -- I'm sure that would really give
development a big boost.  (And most of the ideas for features you 
suggested above are on my roadmap).

I am aware of several other IP telephone applications for Linux;
perhaps the most useful code to integrate with would be a SIP stack,  
either libdissipate or Vovida's stack.


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