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The hazards of installation

Mr. Barr, my dear fellow:

It never ceases to amaze me: critics mistake their own shortcomings as
defects in the object of their criticism. Have you forgotten Pope's clue:
"All the jaundiced eye sees is yellow."

Debian installation has many rough edges, but one does not need to be the
genius you alledge is required to be successful with it. I am no genius and
I have been successfully struggling through Debian installs for many years.
I overlook the _relative_ difficulty of the install process because that is
not as important to me as the result. You clearly do not have those
priorities and hence get bogged down in the early going.

If you think Debian is difficult have you tried to do a disklabel in
OpenBSD? Just because FreeBSD and NetBSD make this very tricky business
quite easy is not enough to make me want to use them. I want to use OpenBSD
(as well as Debian) so I cheerfully accept the _relative_ difficulty of the
install. I have no problem doing it several times over before I get it
right. Since it is important to me, I persist until it is right. And,
finally, it *is* right and I am happy! I don't blame OpenBSD for my
ignorance of disklabels.

The problem is with your mindset.

Bob Bernstein
at                          OpenBSD  *** 2.7 ***
Esmond, R.I., USA

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