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An Idea/RFP: x group /

I just had an idea reading a thread in at.linux discussing about

Wht about a package that contains the following commands (yet to be

xuseradd <user> # Add's the user to the x group
xuserdel <user> # Deletes the user from the x group

The package would have an config file where it lists all users that
are allowed to use x (there must be an user that x runs under, I think
best called x ;-)). The x startup script would then call xhost
+<user>@localhost for all of these users, and the above commands would
use xhost (if X is running) to update the status immediatly.

Since xhost supports NIS, it would be good to accept "users" like this
nis:user@domain and, for network use user@host (one could simply pass
names that contain '@' without appending '@localhost').

It also would be nice to have an UI. IMO the commands shoud have the
following permissions: -r-s-r---r-- x root (x is owner and root is
group), so the sysadmin could use it without suing to the user x.

Packages like xdm could then recommend or suggest the package, I think.

Any comments?

Regards, Andy

PS: I am willing to create the package, if response is positive and
noone else volunteers.
Andreas Rottmann     | Dru@ICQ      | 54523380@ICQ | a.rottmann@gmx.at
Pfeilgasse 4-6/725   | A-1080 Wien  | Austria      | Europe
http://www.8ung.at/rotty            | GnuPG Key: www.8ung.at/rotty/dru.asc
Fingerprint          | 3E9A C485 49A4 1D17 2EA7  2BA7 22AE C9BF 8173 6279
[one of 78,35% Austrians who didn´t vote for Haider!]

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