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Re: Intent To Split: netbase

>>"Anthony" == Anthony Towns <aj@azure.humbug.org.au> writes:

 Anthony> ifconfig is a required file for /sbin according the the FHS
 Anthony> section 3.10 as distributed in the debian-policy package.

	I think that some people are espousing non-compliance with the
 standards. Is that what we want to do?

 Steve> OK, how about moving everything into /bin except what FHS
 Steve> specifically says should be in /sbin?  Section 3.10[0]
 Steve> identifies the following specifically to be located in /sbin:

	Sounds like a cop out. We are acknowledging that we can no
 longer come to a consensus on this, and we are punting on
 this. Actually, it may be closer to saying we really don't like sbin,
 and we move everything out of there, except that we also want to be
 FHS compliant, and let just tose programs stay in. 

	I think we should either
  a) categorize the programs, by extending the reasoning of the FHS,
     and I have not yet lost hope of our ability to reach a rough
  b) decide that the sbin idea is silly, and that's that (we can
     symlink /sbin to /bin)

	I think we may be truthfully accused of losing touch with the
 generic user out there. Most of the discusion here (and, I confess,
 my knee jerk reactions), have dealt with the issue with opinions on
 what works for us -- even though developers are rarely a decent
 sampling of the unwashed masses.  My experience has been that most
 users, even most linux users, are not what the industry terms ``power
 users'' (most of these folks just call the sys admin when things go
 wrong). The defaults should be designed around them, not us, since
 power users shall always tweak the system defaults anyway. 

 stepping off the soap box
 A good teacher has been defined as one who makes himself
 progressively unnecessary.  -- Thomas J. Carruthers
Manoj Srivastava   <srivasta@debian.org>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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