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Re: Bug#68661: Should not remove pager's alternative on upgrade

>>>>> "Stephen" == Stephen Zander <gibreel@debian.org> writes:

>>>>> "Brian" == Brian May <bam@debian.org> writes:
    Brian> Why is this "status auto", and not "status manual"? I get
    Brian> the opinion, looking through the postinst script of Kaffe
    Brian> that this means Kaffe will automatically become the default
    Brian> on the next upgrade. Am I right, or am I right?

    Stephen> Status 'auto' means the sysadmin has not come along and
    Stephen> ^%$^)(*&% with the entries in /etc/alternatives.  Status
    Stephen> 'manual' means they have.

    Stephen> You're right, though.  The next time

    Stephen>     update-alternatives --config java

    Stephen> gets run, kaffe will become the default.

Why doesn't running update-alternatives-jdk1.1 change the status to
Brian May <bam@debian.org>

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