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Re: wget'ing the packages

From: "S. Champ" <s-champ@pacbell.net>
>i'm in the realm of those who would migrate from ms-w to linux.
>i'm still stuck inside the windows, but it's been nice to pop outside
>( my work-point of the day : debian + dynamic IP addressing. and getting some
>things done, before the reboot. )
>it's been seeming like it might be neat to have the option of building a
>wget-list of all the packages that one would be needing in a session, for those
>who might not be able to use `apt'-over-net and might not be able to install
>from any other means besides a hard-disk-drive .
>( which is my situation , currently )

There already is a package to generate a list of packages installed at 
home, carry that list to university and download anything new there.
I will speculate that the package uses wget to download (or ftp) and
probably does just what you want.

Another option is to use

apt-get --print-uris and use some cat, grep, sed combination (or awk)
to transform the list to the syntax you need.


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