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Re: Does Security matter at all?

On Wed, Jul 05, 2000 at 11:47:58AM -0500, Adam Heath wrote:
> First, why only the public reply?
I'm assuming you mean private.
Oh, not on purpose, i normally just hit the g key in mutt, would have 
thought it would send both.  I must have hit r instead
> Second, this email was not meant to be taken as my view.  I'm trying to prove
> a point.  If they have physical access, then the machine in question should
> not be in the position of being critical to the operation.
ahh, ok.  I think through the discussion things have been confused.  I was
arguing with the orrigional thing, about the security arround autofs, and
things like that.  I would never think somone would use automounting on 
a machine that is critical, and wasn't really considering this as a valid
side of the discussion(physical security arround critical computers).

Thats why i tried to make the point about this being a problem with
labs, and such.
> [snip] (as I have no problems with what you said)
could you fw that to the list? or back to me and i will send it.  I meant
to send it orrigionaly :)
> Version: 3.12
> GCS d- s: a-- c+++ UL++++ P+ L++++ !E W+ M o+ K- W--- !O M- !V PS--
> PE++ Y+ PGP++ t* 5++ X+ tv b+ D++ G e h*! !r z?
> ----BEGIN PGP INFO----
> Adam Heath <doogie@debian.org>        Finger Print | KeyID
> 67 01 42 93 CA 37 FB 1E    63 C9 80 1D 08 CF 84 0A | DE656B05 PGP
> AD46 C888 F587 F8A3 A6DA  3261 8A2C 7DC2 8BD4 A489 | 8BD4A489 GPG
> -----END PGP INFO-----
> ps: If you could, would you send your email to -devel, and I will send this as
> well?

Erik Bernhardson
It is better to remain silent and be considered a fool, than to speak and
remove all doubt.
	-- Abraham Lincoln

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