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Re: Bertrand Meyer challenges some open-source assumptions.

Hamish Moffatt wrote:
> On Tue, May 30, 2000 at 06:45:34PM -0400, Steve Przepiora wrote:
> > It seems to me that ESR believes in many freedoms, freedoms we have as a citizen
> > of the USA. Right along side the freedom of speach.
> I've heard that some Americans refuse to wear car seat belts because
> it's their right not to.
> Personally, I'm ROFLMAO about that. Wearing seatbelts is compulsory
> in Australia, btw.
It is also here in wild and woolly Tennessee, so be careful about
stereotypes.  It's on a state-by-state basis, as most laws in the U.S.
are.  Seems like the same justifications advanced for that law could
probably be applied to outlaw smoking as well.  Which would not be the
worst thing that ever happened...

Yes, the Meyer article started off in a very foolish vein.  So much so
that I was shocked that he wrote it, and shocked that it was published
in that form.  I read it to the end for entertainment, and, guess what? 
He actually made some pretty good points towards the end!  (Was he
trying to get our attention through sensationalism?  Naaahhh...)

By the way, IANADD, and I hope you guys are not goofing off here.  We
need that new release!  :-b  (Actually, many thanks).

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