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Re: Release-critical Bugreport for May 19, 2000

debian-devel@lists.debian.org, bugscan@debian.org wrote:
>Package: jdk1.1 (debian/non-free)
>Maintainer: Stephen Zander <gibreel@debian.org>
>[HELP] Need more info about the effect of this bug; is it RC? (RB)
>  60857  Bad path to java-jdk11.1.gz in update-alternatives-jdk1.1

Could somebody NMU this? update-alternatives-jdk1.1 is only invoked by
the user, so it's a one-line fix with no side-effects.

>Package: sslwrap (non-US/main)
>Maintainer: Raphael Bossek <bossekr@debian.org>
>[REMOVE] at next test cycle, if no fix is available. (RB)
>  63253  debconf config fails
>  64180  sslwrap inst scripts need bash
>  64267  sslwrap leaves the server certificate mode 0644

All of these are easily fixable and/or have patches in the BTS.

Colin Watson                                     [cjw44@flatline.org.uk]

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