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ITP: lame

(more or less) ok, the facts in order:

Description: Ain't an MP3 Encoder (Is!)
 Lame can compress sound data into MPEG-1/2 Audio bitstreams with different
 size/quality tradeoffs. Contrary to its name, it is quite fast.

Homepage: <URL:http://www.sulaco.org/mp3/>

I made a package for a then-current version some weeks ago. But since
lame was based on the ISO demonstration source, distributing it was at
least in the gray. On Monday the last bit of ISO code has been
eradicated from lame - the source is now GPL'd in full. See

There is still the problems of patents - see
<URL:http://www.mp3-tech.org/patents.html> and
<URL:http://sound.media.mit.edu/~eds/mpeg-patents-faq> for some details.

The real question is whether lame infringes on Frauenhofer's patents.
As long as it used ISO code, it almost certainly did. Now, it's not
clear. I mailed the maintainer for more info. What should be done if
it definitely/possibly/maybe infringes?

Even if lame can not go into Debian due to patent issues, I will put
a new package up for download as soon as possible.


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