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Re: question

On 26-Apr-00, 11:23 (CDT), marx <lo.bo@mail.ee> wrote: 
> Hey !!!
> i'm using debian 2.1 and i wanted to ask can you tell me how to get man
> work correctly. i can scroll only with
> enter and space button but i know it should work with up & down arrows.

That's a function of the pager you are using, not the man package.

Try the following:

PAGER='less'; export PAGER

and then run man again.

You might also like:

LESS='-M -e -X'; export LESS 

which sets the default options for less the way I like them; 'man less'
for what it means, and to pick your own favorites.

BTW, this question would have been better aimed at the debian-user list.

> Also when the long waited debian 2.2 final will be released. Thanx

This, on the other hand, is a legitimate question for debian-devel. The
only answer seems to be "when it's ready". Following Debian Weekly News
(http://www.debian.org/News/weekly/) is probably the best source of info
if you're not up to tracking debian-devel.


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