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Re: Less interactive upgrades.

> Debconf integration doesn't seem all that likely, as the two are
> fairly orthagonal. (In the Debian world, configuration and
> configuration files seem to be rather distinct things.) 

Yes, they're pretty distinct, but it seems a little counterintuitive to
have to "configure" a package twice:  once with whatever questions debconf
asks, and once again when asked about conffiles.  I suppose it's ok if
they're seperate programs, so long as the default way to handle things is

dpkg-preconfigure <packagename1>
dpkg-askaboutconffiles <packagename1>
dpkg-preconfigure <packagename2>
dpkg-askaboutconffiles <packagename2>

> One other question: Does anyone think having a "never ask about this
> config file again" option is a good thing? I'm torn.

Not on a per-conffile basis, I think. Maybe there should be a way to make
the default for _all_ conffiles be "ask no questions, (accept the dpkg N
answer), send email about what you did".  With BIG WARNINGS about how much
stuff might break if you enabled it.


|   harpo@udel.edu lowe@cis.udel.edu lowe@debian.org lowe@asel.udel.edu  |
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